
Local News in Brief : Slumlords Get 3-Year Ban

The former owners of a Los Angeles apartment building, convicted of allowing slum conditions to flourish, have been banned from owning or managing any residential property in the city for three years.

Bradley Thrasher, 34, of the Wilshire District and Robert May, 66, of Lancaster, who were general partners in the Young Apartments on South Grand Avenue were also ordered to pay $12,948 in fines, penalties and restitution after pleading no contest to slum charges.

Thrasher was also sentenced to one year in County Jail, but the term was stayed by Municipal Court Commissioner Barry Kohn on the condition that he pay his fines and restitution by April 5.


Thrasher was sentenced to two 60-day jail terms in 1986 for slum conditions at the five-story, 67-unit complex.

City Atty. James K. Hahn said Thrasher and May have sold the Young Apartments and do not currently own any residential property in Los Angeles.
