
Stadium Smokers

How dare Mike Gotch insult my intelligence by suggesting that smoking at an open-air stadium presents a second-hand smoke health hazard! An annoyance, perhaps, but a health hazard, no!

Granted, tobacco smoke can be annoying to some people, but should we let annoyances be legislated away? If so, what’s next? Crying babies? Kids chasing foul balls? Cheering for the opposing team? Rooting for the home team?

When government passes unnecessary ordinances against possible annoyances, everyone loses a bit of freedom.


People using common courtesy in their dealings with others is a much more effective way to solve disputes that arise between fans than passing expensive and unenforceable laws. Respect, tolerance and accommodation are and must be the business of people, not of government.

This is not a smoker vs. non-smoker issue, nor a health issue. It is an individual-rights issue with far-reaching implications.


San Diego
