
Flap Over the Pledge of Allegiance

I am having a lot of trouble believing that the big argument in the presidential race is now whether or not kids should be forced to say the Pledge of Allegiance in school.

When I was in junior high and high school, we would have this argument in homeroom. Even back then, I figured out that being forced to say it didn’t necessarily mean you believed it. Some people are really confused about what patriotism is all about.

Yes, I love my country. Probably more today than ever. But I still don’t think kids should be forced to do the Pledge of Allegiance.


I believe that our future generations should learn to help, respect and love our country by their deeds, not their words. Tell them to pick up litter on the street when they see it. Teach them to never say racist or bigoted things. Let them know that their country will work for them when they work for it.

But force them to say something that they may not yet understand or fully believe in is not right.


West Hollywood
