
Grenadine Syrup From Pomegranates

Times Staff Writer

Question: I’m about to have a bumper crop of pomegranates. Can you tell me how to make grenadine syrup?

Answer: The following recipe is adapted from “Fancy Pantry” (Workman Publishing: 1986, $11.95) by Helen Witty:

GRENADINE (Pomegranate Syrup)

2 medium-to-large pomegranates

2 1/2 cups sugar

1/2 cup water

Cut pomegranates open crosswise and pry out crimson seeds, being careful not to include white pulp. Yield should be about 2 cups.


Chop seeds with sugar and water in food processor or blender to make rough puree. Pour puree into earthenware or glass bowl and cover with cloth. Let stand at room temperature 3 days, stirring daily. If weather is extremely hot, refrigerate puree after 24 hours.

Line sieve with dampened, very fine nylon net or 2 layers dampened fine cheesecloth. Place over stainless-steel or saucepan of nonreactive material. Filter pomegranate syrup into pot, allowing liquid to drip without pressing on pulp.

When all juice has dripped through, discard seedy pulp. (This will take few hours. To speed process, after initial flow of juice has slowed, tie cheesecloth lining into bag and suspend above pot.


Bring syrup just to simmer (180 degrees) over medium-low heat. Reduce heat to very low and scald syrup, using candy or jelly thermometer, watching to keep temperature below 200 degrees 3 minutes.

Skim off any foam, then funnel syrup into sterilized, dry bottle. Let cool, then cap or cork bottle and store in refrigerator. Makes about 2 cups.

In “Fresh Produce A to Z” (Lane Publishing: 1987, $6.95), the editors of Sunset magazine and books suggest this way of removing pomegranate seeds:


“Cut crown end off pomegranate; lightly score rind lengthwise in several places. Immerse scored fruit in a bowl of cool water and let soak for 5 minutes. Then, holding fruit under water, break sections apart with your fingers, separating seeds from membranes as you work; seeds will sink to the bottom while rind and membranes float to the top. Skim off and discard membranes and rind. Pour seeds into a colander; let drain, then gently pat dry.”

Q: In the Aug. 11 You Asked About . . . column you printed a rice bread recipe from a pamphlet called “Tasty Rice Recipes . . . for Those With Allergies.” Since I am one of the “lucky” ones with allergies, I’m wondering if you can tell me how I might obtain this pamphlet.

A: The Rice Council of America, P.O. Box 740121, Houston, Tex. 77274 will mail a free copy of “Tasty Rice Recipes . . . for Those With Allergies” to anyone who sends a request and includes a self-addressed, stamped legal size envelope. The pamphlet includes wheat-free, wheat- and egg-free, wheat- and milk-free and wheat-, milk- and egg-free recipes.
