
Waiver Theater

Sullivan’s neglected to mention one of the most successful productions to emerge from the Equity Waiver scene--”Confessions of a Nightingale.” And, arguably, it is the most successful in terms of an actor “getting a piece of the action.”

Ray Stricklyn’s one-man odyssey as Tennessee Williams has been playing (almost) continuously since it premiered (Jan. 1985) at the Beverly Hills Playhouse--from its New York run to a national tour to its recent Edinburgh Festival booking.

The show has also had three professional engagements in the L.A. area in recent months (Pasadena Playhouse, Westwood Playhouse, Hahn Cosmopolitan in San Diego). And it continues to tour, making it (with “A Woman of Independent Means”) the production with the greatest longevity.

In the same issue, Equity’s Eddie Weston states that no one has “made a bundle” from Waiver. As an original producer of “Confessions,” I happen to know that Stricklyn’s personal earnings from this show have entered the six-figure bracket.


That may not be a “bundle” compared to a Sylvester Stallone, but it’s an impressive amount for a stage actor, particularly from a show that started so modestly. Proving that “miracles” do (did) happen in Equity Waiver.


Los Angeles
