
Questions Posed to Azusa Council

Will it never end? The people of the community of Azusa were astounded, if not provoked to rage, by the unanimous obvious vote to strip the mayor (Eugene F. Moses) of his commissions. All the members of the council were strongly advised by the city attorney that this was a violation of the law. But the council with such bitter hate toward the mayor went against the attorney’s recommendations.

The mayor was reinstated to his commissions (Moses was not reappointed to the San Gabriel Valley Consortium) and not one apology from any of the council members was given. These council members broke the law and embarrassed our city and mayor publicly even after being advised. Where does it end?

I think the district attorney should investigate this incident, rather than the petty issues that are pending against the mayor, which might amount to merely pocket change.


There are many unanswered questions within the city limits of Azusa, and I for one, along with the rest of the community, demand an explanation. One final point is that you are redeveloping everywhere except the downtown. When are we going to do something about these businesses, which desperately need the city of Azusa’s assistance. Are you waiting for the buildings to deteriorate and fall down by themselves as you have in the past?


