
County Elections Promise More Than a Measure of Controversy : Yorba Linda Schools Annexation Issue

Almost every article I’ve read on the proposed K-8 merger of the Yorba Linda School District to the Placentia district focuses on the financial situation of YLSD as a necessity to dissolve the district.

The Yorba Linda School Board points out that YLSD is tapping into the funds from the sale of the Nixon site to the tune of about $200,000 to $300,000 per year. It doesn’t take a math wizard to see that this surplus buys YLSD 9 years, coupled with the revenue from the average daily attendance and lottery funds. A lot can happen in 9 years!

Compare that to Placentia’s financial position: PUSD budget projections for this year predict a $718,000 deficit in their general fund--much larger than YLSD. Placentia has only $1.5 million in unrestricted reserves for economic uncertainties. That computes to about 2 years of solvency before PUSD goes bankrupt.


The financial picture looks pretty grim--not for Yorba Linda, but for PUSD.


Yorba Linda
