
Using Nazi Science Data

“Can Evil Beget Good”? Definitely! The evil act of the crucifixion of Christ led to the good act of the establishment of Christianity. The evil act of the Holocaust brought about the realization of a Jewish state--the land of Israel. True, Theodor Herzl in 1896 initiated the idea of a Jewish state, but there is some doubt whether without the Holocaust a Jewish state would have been established in this century.

I can understand the objections of many persons who feel it is unethical to use data obtained in the most horrible way imaginable. But if this data or part of it should prove correct, will this transform butchers into knights in shining armor? Of course not, the good extracted from their horrible experiments came in spite of it, just like some awesome weapons have found their way into peaceful civilian use.

Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and other substances which can be used destructively, willed most of his huge fortune to be used for the establishment of awards for accomplishments in various fields which would benefit humanity, and it is for that, not for his explosives, that he is remembered today.


Physiologist Robert Pozos asks: “ . . . If the data is good, should we use it? Or should the data forever be banned?” I believe that we should not give identifying credit to Nazi scientists. But let the data be used.


