
‘Real Test’ Begins for George Bush

Disappointed as I am in the ineptitude and cynicism which will remain in the White House as a result of the election, my first experience as a member of the peaceful Democratic army that walked the streets of local precincts left me with experiences to savor.

I was welcomed into strangers’ homes, both over the phone and in person; I found an immediate unity with college students half my age who were engaged in the same cause; I learned how social workers provide nursing home residents with absentee ballots; and I witnessed a young mother, with two children in tow, take a photograph of her husband in the voting booth as this immigrant family cast its first vote. My thanks to the people living between Hart and Sherman Way and Aura and Calvin streets in Reseda for their graciousness in response to my calls and visits--you know who you are. Hold on for four more years!

Would anyone but an old-fashioned liberal think that this was a personal treasure trove to take away from a disappointing election?



Canoga Park
