
What Would You Do in Case of Nuclear War?

Although we all dream about our futures, many would agree that since no worldwide nuclear disarmament pact exists, that future is, to say the least, questionable. Although it may be a morbid thought, Hot Topics wonders: “If you knew there would be a nuclear war in one week, what would you do?”

“If there was a nuclear war next week, the last place I’d be is in school. I’d be out helping my friends get ready to step into eternity.”

Becky Williams, 16,

junior, Bethel Baptist

“I’d go out, buy everything I could, get into debt, then kill myself.”

Jeff Pulfer, 16,

sophomore, Bethel Baptist

“Hopefully, there would be lots of space shuttles. We could all launch into space and set up little space colonies like the Jetsons.”


Marcus Endert, 16,

senior, Bethel Baptist

“I’m not interested in staying on this world after a nuclear war because I’m just now accepting how I look--I don’t want to put up with a balding head and peeling skin.”

Jaush Way, 17,

senior, Brea-Olinda

“I would eat chocolate mousse until I died.”

Riki Garvin, 14,

freshman, Brea-Olinda

“I would party hearty.”

Peggy Kenney, 16,

junior, Brea-Olinda

“I would prepare by trying to build a shelter and get enough food for the family--I would plan on survival.”

Marc Denoon, 18,

senior, Cypress

“I would enjoy life and do things that I would have put off and live each day fully and completely.”


Sepedeh Kalantari, 17,

senior, Esperanza

“I would go and spend all my money and have the best time of my life.”

Mark Heiberger, 14,

freshman, Estancia

“I would skip school and get closer to my family and friends and make sure everyone knew that I loved them.”

Sara Channels, 14,

freshman, Laguna Beach

“I would want to be with my best friends and my teddy bear, Cuddles.”

Heather Luick, 17,

senior, Laguna Beach

“I would begin a protest and hopefully the people could do something to stop the nuclear war.”

Orameh Bagheri, 16,

junior, Laguna Hills

“God protects the birds and the simplest creatures, so why should I worry about my future? I will live a normal life until my end and trust in my Lord.”


Thomas Kim, 17,

senior, Laguna Hills

“I would do a hell of a lot of praying and try to make up with anyone I’m angry at.”

Melanie McGee, 17,

senior, Marina

“I would spend the last week of my life having fun and using all of my money up.”

Theresa Tran, 16,

junior, Marina

“I’d marry my boyfriend Scott and do everything I’ve always wanted to do.”

Nicole Brenner, 18,

senior, Mater Dei

“We’d go sky-diving naked.”

Keith Awad, 17, senior,

Erin Cormie, 16, junior,

Mater Dei

“I would have somebody build a bomb shelter with enough food and water for about eight or nine people for at least 2 months or so.”

Dylan Mlcoch, 15,

sophomore, Mission Viejo

“I would find everyone I ever knew and tell them what I really thought about them. First, I would tell my parents and my brother that I love them. Next, I would tell my friends the things that, up to now, I’ve only been able to tell my toothbrush.”

Michael Phillips, 17,

senior, Pacifica

“I would definitely not study.”

Carla Gfeller, 16,

junior, Pacifica

“I would construct a journal. The journal would contain not only the events of the week, but my personal feelings on the matter. The journal would be preserved in some way to be used as a document for future generations, to learn what went wrong.”

Tim Whalen, 16,

junior, Pacifica

“I would spend the remaining week with my family and friends and pray.”

Frances Young, 16,

junior, Rosary

“Throw a party, fly to New York and go on a shopping spree and run up all my parents’ credit cards.”

Dana Hinton, 16,

junior, San Clemente

“I would like to go to Disneyland because it’s the happiest place on earth. I guess I would like to go any place where they would try to make me feel happy. I want to die happy.”

Alaina White, 17,

junior, Savanna

“I would like to spend some time with my family and friends. My family doesn’t have much time to spend with each other and I want the chance to be with them as much as I can. I would also like to travel to Germany to visit my relatives and tell them how much I love them. I would also like to spend time with all my friends.”


Heidi Cox, 18,

senior, Savanna

“I would just play piano for 10 hours a day.”

Dennis Lin, 17,

senior, Valencia

“I would get as far south as possible, considering that a nuclear war would be concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere. I would go to Antarctica.”

Jennifer Franchuk, 16,

junior, Valencia

“I’d have a weeklong slumber party with my friends.”

Laura Kim, 14,

freshman, Valencia

“I would make sure everyone I loved knew I loved them. I would settle all my disputes, then I would fly to Germany, steal money and food and give it to the Ethiopians. Then I would get in a car and drive.”

Nadia Davis, 17,

senior, Villa Park

“I would hop the next plane to Jamaica and sky dive.”

Erin O’Donnell, 17,

senior, Villa Park

“I would do nothing special. If I had wasted my life, one week would not rectify the situation.”

Michael Duskis, 16,

junior, Western

“If I knew where the bomb would be dropped, I’d go there so I wouldn’t have to suffer a slow and painful death.”

Tom Colman, 15,

sophomore, Western

Next Week’s Hot Topic: What scares you the most about growing up and being on your own?

