
Counseling Center Can Help When Looking for Home Loan

The Home Loan Counseling Center has committed itself to a new generation of home buyers by continuing to offer free assistance to persons interested in purchasing, refinancing or obtaining a home-improvement loan.

Established 11 years ago by 19 savings and loan associations, its members include GlenFed, Home Savings, American Savings and CalFed Savings & Loan.

The center, located at 1115 W. Adams Blvd., Suite 106, Los Angeles, provides information on how much a person can afford to spend, which type of loan would be best and helps review escrow instructions and loan documents. Other services offered include shopping for the best available rate and checking an applicant’s credit with TRW.


In addition, the center will assist with explaining the process of getting a loan and preparing forms to initiate a loan. The phone number is 213/747-0807.
