
Reagan Will Hold Last Formal News Conference Thursday

Associated Press

President Reagan will hold a prime-time news conference Thursday at 5 p.m. PST in the East Room of the White House, spokesman Marlin Fitzwater announced Tuesday.

“Be nice. It’s his last one,” First Lady Nancy Reagan told reporters as she accepted the official White House Christmas tree.

The session will come a day after Reagan’s meeting in New York with Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev and is expected to be Reagan’s last formal news conference before he leaves office Jan. 20.


It will be his fifth meeting with reporters this year and the first in nearly six months.

Reagan held news conferences in Washington on Feb. 24 and May 17. He also held formal question-and-answer sessions with reporters covering his Moscow summit with Gorbachev on June 1 and at the close of the seven-nation economic summit in Toronto on June 21.
