
Record Bass Catch at Castaic

Dan Kadota of La Palma, who last February set a lake record for largemouth bass at Castaic Lake in Los Angeles County, broke it Sunday with a 19-pound largemouth he will submit for a line-class world record with the International Game Fish Assn.

Kadota, skipper of the Mustang out of the 22nd Street Landing in San Pedro, last year caught an 18 3/4-pound largemouth in the same area of the fishing arm of the reservoir.

“This time of year, they’re getting ready to spawn,” he said. “The one I caught had lots of eggs (and thus the heavy weight).”


Kadota used a live crawfish for both catches. He said Sunday’s will be submitted as a record in the 16-pound-test line category. The record is an 18-pound 13-ounce largemouth caught in Florida’s St. John’s River.
