
Two Votes Against the Use of DNR Orders

I have several concerns. First, I am not ready to allow ethicists or physicians or moralists the last word on prolonging life. I am also not ready to change our ethos regarding the sanctity of life for an economic cost benefit analysis sheet. If only 14% of a certain group of persons with stroke survive after resuscitative measures are taken that is not to be compared with artifacts devoid of life for statistical significance.

Second, I believe persons of color will be concerned with criteria for DNR orders simply of history. As one articulate individual stated in a barbershop in South Central Los Angeles, “I don’t want anyone looking at me as a potential body parts outlet when I need an ambulance.”

If persons insensitive to the poor, infirm, elderly or minorities make DNR recommendations without vigilance and scrutiny by the larger community there will be yet another form of pernicious discrimination and triage by default. I believe the potential for abuse and mischief in this area merits more spirited debate than the public has seen.



Los Angeles
