
Hang Gliders’ Protest

In “Seductions of Crime” (Dec. 28), Garry Abrams quoted a leading authority on crime with a statement that has caused disappointment and furor among enthusiasts of our sport. Franklin E. Zimring of UC Berkeley’s School of Law was quoted as saying, “Armed robbery is a lot like hang gliding: a ‘crazy’ activity that thrives because it feels good, and there is a subculture to support it.”

Of the 1,800 hang-glider pilots in Southern California, the average is older than 35, a professional who earns more than $30,000 a year. And, since there has been only one hang-gliding fatality in Los Angeles County in the past eight years, you can understand why members of our sport are appalled at the analogy that Zimring has so illustratively created.

Fortunately, Mr. Zimring, I don’t know of any hang-glider pilots who also enjoy committing armed robbery.



Regional Director

United States Hang Gliding Assn.
