
Israelis Raze Homes in Get-Tough Policy

Associated Press

Soldiers today dynamited the homes of three Palestinians suspected of injuring three Israelis with stones, marking a new get-tough policy against rock throwers in the occupied territories.

As the government stepped up the level of response, some reserve soldiers complained today to Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir about their role in the violence, saying they were forced to beat innocent people and betray Israeli values in trying to put down the 13-month Palestinian uprising.

The criticism came as Shamir visited an army tent camp outside Nablus, the West Bank’s largest city.


The soldiers said they routinely beat innocent people to instill fear in them and enforce order. Many said they were ashamed.

“When I get up in the morning, I say to myself, ‘Now I have to go out and catch a man,’ and I look at his hands and see he is a working man like myself. And I have to slap him or beat him murderous blows to get him to fear me,” said a soldier who identified himself as Yotam from Tiberias.

Today’s housing demolitions drew immediate protests from left-wing Israeli groups. Five opposition parties filed a motion of no-confidence in the government to be debated by Parliament on Wednesday, Israel radio reported.


Gen. Amram Mitzna, head of the Central Command, said the demolitions in the West Bank town of Kalkilya were intended to stem an upsurge in violence. The army said two other houses in the town were sealed up.
