
Psychologists in Custody Cases Hurting Mothers

The profession of psychology has sunk to a new low. It is common knowledge that opinions are bought by affluent parties to further their causes. Perhaps the saddest of all are the results that are occurring in the family law courts of Ventura. Evidence is mounting that the professionals passing Judge Allan L. Steele’s test and winning the approval of the courts to testify in Ventura County almost invariably side with men in child custody disputes. Mothers cannot win with this list of psychologists.

When unable to find clinical proof or evidence to be used against a mother that could allow the court to remove her child from her custody, the psychologists in Ventura County are using their purchased personal opinions and personal prejudices to influence the courts’ opinions.

Mothers in Ventura County are losing their children daily with the help of these unscrupulous, wealthly psychologists who care little for the rights and feelings of the children involved. And the mediocre visitation provided these mothers is a direct result of the favoritism being shown fathers in our courts at the expense of the children’s rights and welfare.



