
Gun Control and Tragedy in a Stockton Schoolyard

I am an opponent of gun control since I believe in the individual’s right to own firearms; I also believe that a criminal will always find access to weapons.

However, there is no justification for owning, selling, or purchasing firearms such as the AK-47. Each one of us needs to contact our representatives today and tell them that we want a law in California that will ban weapons of the AK-47 genre.

This law could ban immediately the sale of such weapons in this state, establish a short time period for relinquishing all such weapons, and specify a very stiff mandatory jail sentence for anyone found in possession of such weapons.


If everyone reading this letter will take 15 minutes to contact their legislator and demand a ban on automatic weapons, the NRA will not have the clout to deny passage of a long-overdue weapon sanity bill in this state.


Sierra Madre
