
Back-Yard Party Rock From Ambel and Gang

Toward the end of his show at the Palomino on Friday, Eric Ambel asked if anyone knew of a barbecue he could play at Sunday. In some ways, the casual, spirited rock ‘n’ roll provided by Ambel and his band, Roscoe’s Gang, might have been more suited to a back-yard party than the sparsely populated North Hollywood club. But Ambel’s genuine enthusiasm proved enough for any setting.

Even if all Ambel (taking a break from his duties as the lead guitarist for New York’s Del-Lords) had done was play Swamp Dogg’s buried treasure “Total Destruction of Your Mind”--the highlight of his recent “Roscoe’s Gang” album--he would deserve to be carried to the barbecue of his choice in a sedan chair. With drummer Ron (Wrongo) Gremp’s trash-can whomp serving as the heartbeat, the rarely heard song sounded like an outtake from “Beggar’s Banquet.”

That heartbeat carried the gang--which included singer Syd Straw and harmonicat Jimmy Powers--through a rambunctious mix of obscure outside material, several Del-Lords selections and a handful of spunky originals. A reminder that rock played just for fun is every bit as meaningful as rock played for more “high-minded” purposes.
