
Golden Nugget lowered its stock holding in...

Golden Nugget lowered its stock holding in casino competitor Caesars World to 3.4% from 6.4% . . . South San Francisco-based Genentech Inc. has decided not to appeal a British ruling that went against it in a patent battle over recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, or TPA, which is a drug used to fight blood clots . . . Honeywell Bull Inc., a joint-venture company, is changing its name to Bull HN Information Systems Inc. to reflect its new direction and larger French ownership . . . Du Pont Co. has received a patent on a compound blend that could accelerate the replacement of halogenated chlorofluorocarbons, which damage the Earth’s ozone layer . . . Giant Group Ltd. has closed a deal that will give it 100% ownership of the Pomona Paper Mill and related newsprint recycling operations.
