
‘Letter’ to Ex-President Praised for Its Honesty

Kaplan’s letter to ex-President Reagan was the most honest, timely and excellent article published in a very long time.

There are times when it seems the only answer is to buy an island somewhere and forget about the world out there.

When I think of all the hungry and homeless men, women and children in this country, I feel sick and overwhelmed. I was born and raised in L.A. (65 years ago) and can’t remember ever hearing about so many homeless, hungry people.


I can’t help hurting when I see what the future holds for our children and their children. It’s no wonder why we have so much crime nationwide. Our young people see no future for them and I don’t think they’re too far off.


Apple Valley

The Times has received 36 letters to date praising Sam Hall Kaplan’s letter to ex-President Reagan and one opposed to Kaplan’s point of view.
