
President Bush on Gun Control

In response to your editorial “Taking on the NRA,” Feb. 18:

I am 100% opposed to a ban on semiautomatic assault-type rifles as a direct violation of our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. President Bush is right on target on this issue.

Your editorial only talks about controlling the gun, not the criminal. The problem is not the AK-47 or any other type gun. The problem is the criminal and the failed criminal justice system. Banning AK-47s will not solve the problem. Only when we decide to punish, and I say punish the criminal who uses violence, will our cities become a safe place to live.

I support the NRA and its efforts to see that violent criminals go to jail where they belong. The Times makes it seem that anyone who is law abiding and supports the NRA is doing something criminal.



Spring Valley
