
Glendale OKs Vouchers for Renters With Low Incomes

The Glendale Housing Authority agreed Tuesday to accept federally funded vouchers for an additional 30 low-income individuals and families in need of rent subsidies.

Madalyn Blake, community development and housing director, said an additional $225,900 was allocated in February by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The funds, to be available in June, will increase the number of households receiving vouchers from 189 to 219, at a cost of almost $1.4 million annually.


In addition to vouchers, the city also channels almost $3.7 million in federal Section 8 rent assistance money to another 697 families.

Unlike vouchers, which are paid to renters and allow greater flexibility in housing choices, Section 8 subsidies are paid directly to landlords who agree to meet fair market rent restrictions, officials said.

In all, about 2,100 needy and elderly residents in Glendale receive about $5.1 million in annual federal housing assistance, Blake said.
