
The Nation - News from March 3, 1989

Former Chicago Alderman Edward R. Vrdolyak, who launched a write-in campaign less than a week before the Republican mayoral primary, apparently defeated the GOP-endorsed candidate, a city elections official said. Vrdolyak received 11,621 votes, or 52.5%, to 10,478 votes, or 47.4%, for Dr. Herbert Sohn, said Ray Jagielski, a member of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. Four of the city’s 2,911 precincts remained uncounted and all ballots must be reviewed before the winner is certified by the board on Tuesday. Vrdolyak apparently had a large enough lead to prevent Sohn from finishing within 5 percentage points, which would entitle him to a so-called “discovery recount,” an automatic recount of 25% of the precincts.
