
Long Beach : Issue of Flapping Flag Awaits Court Hearing

Thomas (Ski) Demski still is no closer to getting an exemption from city noise ordinances to fly his giant American flag.

The Long Beach City Council spurned a request Tuesday by the bumper-sticker entrepreneur which asked them to put a ballot measure before voters that would grant him the exemption.

Demski, however, said he is not yet ready to take his case directly to the people. He said he will await the outcome of an April 6 court hearing into whether he can be prosecuted for violating the anti-noise ordinance.


Demski owns “The Pole,” a 125-foot flagpole outside his home at 4th Street and Lime Avenue, which has become a local landmark. He flies various flags for different occasions. His largest American flag, however, drew complaints from neighbors who say they were kept awake at night by its loud flapping.
