
Gov. Deukmejian on State Budget and Times Response

I read Deukmejian’s letter with great interest. I’m wondering why our governor, who’s generally a nice, compassionate and understanding guy is so cruel and tight-fisted with our money, which really belongs to the people?

Well, I believe that the answer lies in the recent political history. President Ronald Reagan cut taxes, decreased spending on social services, and all this has influenced many conservative politicians. Never mind that United States deficit has increased to horrible proportions, never mind the homeless, the mentally ill, the toxic dumps, the worn-out cities, the drugs, the street gangs and crime. Those politicians don’t see that. They are hypnotized by the words of the Great Communicator, even though now we have different times, different problems.

And that’s the case with our governor. He’s hypnotized. How will he get out of this state of hypnosis? I respectfully suggest that he take walks around Los Angeles slums, drive our freeways during rush hour, visit emergency services of county hospitals, visit our overcrowded schools and, perhaps, even visit our state hospitals and jails. He will learn something. At least, he will slip out of his state of blindness and rejection of facts.



