
Nicaragua and El Salvador

In its editorial “The Contra Package” (March 26), The Times tries to use two contradictory statements to promote the disingenuous cause of discontinuing all U.S. aid to the democratic Nicaraguan resistance.

First, the editorial says that the Sandinistas are convinced that the resistance “is defeated.” Then, the editorial quotes a Sandinista spokesman as saying, “Humanitarian aid to a standing military force is a contradiction in terms.”

It appears to me that The Times is once again letting wishful thinking get ahead of it, while the Sandinistas know full well that they are in jeopardy so long as the resistance exists in any form.


This alone convinces me that the bipartisan agreement on U.S. support of the resistance is the best way to effectively keep the focus of the Nicaraguan civil war clearly on bringing democracy to Nicaragua. Something The Times obviously doesn’t feel as strongly about as it does promoting peace at any price.


San Diego
