
Stirring the Pot

Jerry Brown’s Consumer Report, “High Price of Air Safety” (March 19), certainly deserves comment. There is little argument that the non-expenditure of the almost $10 billion in the Airport and Airways Trust Fund represents a national scandal and a blot on our federal government’s integrity. The money just sits there, regardless which party is in power, as it has for at least 12 years. We should all put some heat on our Congressmen and Senators to get moving on this, particularly to improve security.

With regard to PATCO (fired air controllers) being brought back into the airways system, that would be an absolute no-no. When these people were first hired, they took a pledge not to strike, a pledge they broke. In addition, their wage demands (in the $70,000 range for a journeyman controller) were outrageous. This was 50% more than I was making at the time, what with almost 40 years in the business, including two hitches in the Air Force, a degree in aeronautical engineering and a responsible supervisory position with a major airframe manufacturer.

For all practical purposes, the air controllers’ strike was an attempt to hold the air transportation system hostage. To bring those strikers back would be a breach of faith with those who stayed on the job, as well as an invitation for a repeat performance.



