
Article About Protests Held on Abortion Issue

I thought that reporters were supposed to be dispassionate and fair. The article “Tustin Denies 2 Anti-Abortion Bids” (April 4) states that “thousands of anti-abortion demonstrators . . . and large numbers of pro-choice demonstrators went head-to-head at family planning clinics across the Southland.”

In fact, the anti-abortionists were not able to muster more than 500 people on weekdays or 800 on the weekend. Pro-choice people (defending 90 clinics and having to disperse their people over a wide area) equaled or outnumbered the anti-abortionists at every clinic that was attacked.

Also, I have never read the names (with towns) of landlords so carefully listed in a newspaper when the landlords had not been negligent--in any way--of their property or the law. Does your reporter believe that leasing property to a family-planning clinic is a crime? If not, why is he inviting harassment of these innocent people?



