
More Aid to Contras

On March 10, 10 or more Contras kidnaped seven young men from Guanalastal and tortured and killed two of them. Mario Centeno Gomez, 23, and Roberto Blandon, 30, were found two days later stacked in a shallow grave, throats slit and their tongues cut out, their hair cut off and stuffed in their mouths.

The Contras also killed two men in Las Iguanas on March 10. Pansilo Lira Canteano, 38, and Candido Garcia, 26, were riddled with automatic rifle fire in the shape of a cross. Pansilo was harvesting beans when he was kidnaped.

These Contras need not one more cent of our money. These activities have no place in U.S. foreign policy.



Witness for Peace

Southern California Delegation

Santa Monica
