
Gun-Control Legislation

This letter is to address the key point of the personal weapons issue.

This point is the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was written to ensure a means to overthrow the government by force of arms if necessary. The right to overthrow the government is mandated in the Declaration of Independence.

The Founding Fathers possessed great wisdom by including this safeguard measure knowing that limited government as they established, tends to become unlimited government as we have in this country today.

This point established, the conclusion drawn is that personal weapons for defense against the state should be military-type weapons.


This poses a certain degree of risk of misuse of these weapons, one Patrick Purdy being the most recent example. But liberty can only be maintained by making the imposition of tyranny too perilous for the would-be Hitlers or Stalins in public office to contemplate.

I, for one, will take the danger.


Lake Elsinore
