
‘Heroic’ Parking Bust Criticized. . .

News of the momentous crime bust heroically executed the other day in the wilds of the Malaga Cove parking lot by operatives of the Palos Verdes Estates Police Department must have sent shock waves of fear through the hierarchy of organized crime (Times, April 28).

The overlords of the underworld must now confront the reality that the P.V.E. constabulary convincingly has demonstrated to the entire world that it is not to be trifled with, and that it will absolutely, positively not tolerate any breach of parking protocol within its area of operations.

The word has now gone out to all prospective lawbreakers that any further nefarious activity in P.V.E. that is dependent on motor vehicles has been operationally short-circuited and rendered economically cost-ineffective since the parking situation in this area presents an insurmountable obstacle to efficient operations.


While the P.V.E. authorities circumspectly have yet to release full details of the aforementioned daring deed, and thus give the appearance of immodestly claiming the recognition all agree is due them, rumor has it that the arresting officers bravely risked their own safety and careers when they violated standard police procedures and gallantly refused to strip-search the apprehended miscreants.


Rancho Palos Verdes
