
Recognizing the Pathological Hoarder

I wish to express my appreciation for the article, “The Pack Rat Syndrome,” by Jesse Katz (April 20), concerning the motivation of those who fill their homes with useless items, trash and other forms of debris.

Since the Bureau of Street Maintenance’s Lot Cleaning Division is often called upon to clean out such houses, we are not strangers to this eccentricity. In addition to the revulsion to the filth and vermin that is encountered in these clean-ups, it is sometimes very disheartening to the involved employees to have to dispose of the possessions of people who do not understand what is happening to them or why.

In this regard I believe Katz’s article provides some answers to the questions regarding this bizarre behavior that we have often asked ourselves. Therefore, copies are being circulated to all bureau employees involved in this type of work so they may develop a fuller understanding of and compassion for these unfortunate people.




Bureau of Street Maintenance
