
One More Go-Around on Black-White Issue

I certainly agree with Jim Murray’s position (April 30) that blacks excel in athletics not because of fixed genes but because they are currently from that part of our society that still has to fight to survive.

But it’s unfortunate that Murray had to mar his otherwise perceptive column with a display of bias--though not against blacks.

Murray’s own inner distortions emerge in his implication that the only “eccentrics” in America capable of “despising the rest of mankind” are Anglo-Saxon. A gratuitous slur of that kind against blacks would probably get him summarily fired.


Murray might ask himself how fair it would be for someone to imply, for instance, that the only “eccentrics” in America incapable of maturing out of their indoctrinated prejudices are Irish Catholic. That might give him second thoughts.


Newbury Park
