
L.A. Rock Band Warrant Makes a Warranted Jump

The last time Warrant played in its hometown of Los Angeles, it was headlining a club on the Sunset Strip. Saturday night, a scant four months later, the quintet headlined the 6,000-seat Universal Amphitheater. This was a daring jump that could have easily backfired: Would the place be empty? Would the band be able to project in the larger surroundings?

But the move was on the money. The Amphitheater was more than three-quarters filled with a mainly teen (and younger) audience, and Warrant came through with a potent, 90-minute dose of its high-profile hard rock.

What’s fascinating about Warrant is that underneath the typical cockiness and sexual innuendo beats a heart of gold. Singer Jani Lane bounced through “So Damn Pretty” with so much crotch-grabbing and hip-thrusting that it became embarrassing. But when he talked to the audience, or dived into one of the ballads, he projected so much sincerity and affability that it was impossible not to warm up to the guy.


The band’s playing was as tight as its choreographed moves, and while tunes like “32 Pennies” and the single “Down Boys” may not be instant classics, they have more than enough hooks to get by.

Second-billed House of Lords is also big on entertainment value. Its lushly orchestrated songs and powerful performance packed an impressive punch.
