
Looking for a Wooden Nutcracker Bowl

Lois Friss of Granada Hills would like to find a wooden nutcracker bowl with an insert that holds the nutcracker and picks; she has the nutcracker and the six picks. Can you bowl Friss over with some ideas without being too picky, or is this request too tough a nut to crack for our readers?

Jane Auerbach of West Los Angeles is searching for a wall-mounted laundry drying rack that extends out to about 21 inches , has eight plastic-coated lines and folds flat when not in use. Her old one was about 40 inches long but is no longer manufactured. Can you help dry Auerbach’s tears before she’s up the wall, or is this another request that falls flat?

Ken Garrison of Palmdale needs shoes for thick instep feet. Can you help Garrison get back on his feet with a source or so, or will he never again be in step with the rest of the foot soldiers?


Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Mrs. Ashbrook at (714) 871-0659 needs the carafe for a 20-year-old Ronson Cook ‘n’ Stir blender ; please bestir yourself and find something that will blend nicely into Ashbrook’s kitchen.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items or for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.

Ellen Boles of Acme Mattress Factory informs us that they have discontinued their pillow-cleaning service, but recommends Orchid Cleaners, 2706 E. Broadway, Long Beach. (She also adds, sadly, that they are still sitting on their 40x25-foot bed, the largest in the world. Anybody with a huge bedroom interested?)

In case Betty Busch of Burbank, who was trying to put her finger on some plastic No. 7 knitting needles, needs more, we have quite a bit of help. Lois Jenks of Los Angeles says bamboo needles, which are exceptionally light in weight, are available at Glendale Yarn & Crafts, 111 W. California Ave., Glendale. Nancy O’Neal of Delano writes that French RCN plastic needles may be ordered from Patternworks, P.O. Box 1690, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12601 (O’Neal says this firm is an excellent source for quality knitting items); she also mentions Mary Maxim Inc. 2001 Holland Ave., Port Huron, Mich. 48060-5019, and adds that Balene needles from Boye might do the trick; they can be had at Craft Mart Stores. Finally, four readers said they are willing to part with their lightweight knitting needles; a stamped, self-addressed envelope will prick our conscience sufficiently for that list.


Linda Hughes of Long Beach, who was after material for prom dresses, need only take a short promenade to get what she’s looking for. Gloria Martinez of Lomita and S. Stibrik of San Pedro both mentioned Florence Fabrics, 2613 Pacific Coast Highway, Rolling Hills, also at 23104 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance. In addition, Stibrik suggested Joanne’s Fabrics, 3766 Pacific Coast Highway, Torrance.

Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
