
TOM TOM CLUB : “Boom Boom Chi Boom Boom.” Reprise ***: <i> Albums are rated on a scale of one star (poor) </i> t<i> o five stars (a classic).</i>

Like its two predecessors, the third album from the side project of Talking Heads drummer Chris Frantz and bassist Tina Weymouth is a fluffy funkasonic fun house that serves as a fine complement to the Heads’ more arty melanges. Somehow the most curious objects are the most straightforward: A version of the Velvet Underground’s “Femme Fatale” doesn’t really add much to the dozens of others in circulation (despite appearances by the song’s author, Lou Reed, plus the other two Heads), while Frantz’s reading (he doesn’t really sing) of Bob Dylan’s “She Belongs to Me” ends the cassette and CD versions of the album on a somewhat silly note. But what the hey? This is fun, not art. The group plays June 6-18 at the Variety Arts Center.
