
N.Y. Art, N.Y. Weather

Does Arts Editor Charles Champlin spend The Times’ good money to visit New York for the purpose of criticizing entertainment/art or for criticizing the weather?

On May 16 he devoted practically his entire dispatch to “The Wind-Blown Umbrellas of New York.” As I recall, his previous visit was devoted largely to a discourse on the winter cold.

Who needs it?

As an intellectual, well-traveled journalist, Champlin should know by now that no one visits New York for the weather. The function of an arts editor would seem to be an authoritative critique of art--a commodity in which New York need apologize to no city in America.


If Champlin is so traumatized by bad weather, I’d suggest he stay in Southern California, where the weather truly is outstanding but where artistic productions fall considerably short of the culture centers of the world.


Palm Springs
