
Youth Fitness

The Bush Administration appears to be attacking the drug problem systematically--first, make the home responsible and then the school. I concur. Drug education is important and must be implemented with each new crop of kids entering public school.

I suggest, however, we examine the cutbacks in school athletic programs and see if the rise in drug use can be linked. I suspect it can, and, therefore, propose implementation of a rigorous cardiovascular program for each child, teaching him or her that fitness is the best addiction.

The natural brain chemicals bolster self-worth and are readily available for little more than a 30-minute workout. Followed with a rest period of 15 minutes, playing a meditation tape to focus mind and body, and we are on our way to eradicating the need for drugs.


It should be a systematic 12-year program beginning with first grade. Five- and 6-year-old minds are eager for discipline. Why not instill it with habitual training as we do when we teach children to brush their teeth?


Studio City
