
Debate Over Gay Pride Event, Irvine Ordinance

Regarding the article, “Debate on Gay Festival” (May 16):

It appears the ugly head of exclusion is, again, rearing. The fact that there is even debate on whether a Gay Pride Festival should be allowed at Centennial Park demonstrates hypocrisy in its highest form.

The good pastor of Calvary Church, Don Richardson, states, “This event is not just about the use of facilities, it is about the promotion of the homosexual life style.” I submit to you, sir, the purpose is much higher than this.

This is not a gay rights issue. It is not a life style issue. It is a human rights issue.

It matters not if it’s a church picnic, a Nazi demonstration, a soapbox for political rhetoric, or a Gay Pride Festival.


How dare those holier than thou seek to restrict the actions of another group? How do they dare demand for themselves what they would deny to others? Is this not the basic tenet of tyranny?

This nation was founded, not to find soil for a plow, but freedom for a soul. The freedom to choose, to be, to become.

If there are to be rights for any of us, there must be the same and equal rights for all of us. It is this uniformity of policy and principle, which makes any people stronger, indeed, better.



