
Talks Try to Save Coffee Prices Pact

From Reuters

An international agreement that stabilizes world coffee prices could fall apart at last ditch talks Monday, leaving the commodity at the mercy of a free market in which prices are likely to tumble.

Low prices would squeeze debt-laden Third World producers but might eventually mean a cut in supermarket prices for coffee drinkers, traders said.

More than a year of negotiations have failed to bridge a wide gulf between Brazil, the biggest producer, and the United States, the largest consumer, over how to continue a price support pact that regulates 90% of world coffee trade.


At the heart of the dispute is how to stop producers from dumping coffee at cheap prices in countries outside the 74-nation pact.

Talks Monday at the International Coffee Organization, or ICO, in London represent a last-ditch attempt to rescue the accord, which expires in September. The last round of talks collapsed earlier in June.
