
Supreme Court OKs Abortion Limits

As a 33-year-old woman, I was fortunate enough to come of age during a period of relative leniency with regard to women’s right to abortions. I think many women my age and younger are so accustomed to having this right that they have come to take it for granted.

I shuddered when the news came out about the Supreme Court’s decision (Part I, July 4). I feel threatened, not so much because I feel I may need an abortion at some future date, but because I realize I am a member of a sizeable minority whose rights are being taken away.

I am amazed at the shortsightedness of those who, in the name of sanctity of human life, would force women to bear children we may not be able to care for. What kind of a life would that be for such a child? Who’s going to wave the magic wand and get rid of child poverty, of child abuse, of the hopelessness of youngsters who are not loved and who see all around them a future of drugs and crime? As Justice Harry Blackmun said in his dissenting opinion, a chill wind is indeed blowing.



