
AIDS Ordinance

The membership of Action (AIDS Coalition to Identify Orange County Needs) was greatly disappointed at the recent decision to reject the proposed AIDS non-discrimination ordinance. This ordinance was proposed and supported by the county supervisors’ own Health Care Agency staff and is consistent with similar proposals being implemented in communities throughout California and the nation.

We are seriously concerned that the board’s failure to pass the ordinance sends the message that discrimination against persons with AIDS or those perceived to have HIV/AIDS is acceptable and appropriate in Orange County. This may perpetuate and reinforce the apprehension and misconceptions regarding risk of transmission of this tragic and often misunderstood illness. At the least, potential for discrimination will continue to hinder the prevention efforts and care-giving mission of the agencies represented by Action.

We fear that as a result of not having an ordinance, many persons at risk of HIV infection will remain fearful of discrimination and reluctant to seek counseling and testing. In addition, infected persons will delay much-needed early intervention and treatment to reduce transmission, costs and suffering. People will die earlier and needlessly.


We hope that the supervisors who voted against this proposed ordinance will be open to reconsidering their position and will dialogue with the people most involved in prevention, care and service to persons with HIV/AIDS so that in time, with increased knowledge and understanding, the board may respond in a manner more rational and consistent with the needs of Orange County.



AIDS Coalition to Identify

Orange County Needs
