
Day Camp Program at Parks Aims to Combat Drug, Gang Problems

In an effort to combat the growing drug and gang violence problems, Police, Fire and Parks and Recreation departments are conducting Public Safety Day Camps this summer.

Parks and Recreation staff members will join two police DARE officers and two firefighters in running the camps. Police and firefighters will take part in all activities with the children in an attempt to influence them against drug abuse and gang membership. Activities will include SWAT, K-9, paramedics and Fire Department vehicle rescues.

The day camps are one segment of a multifaceted assault on drugs and gang violence, according to an announcement from Mayor Ernie Kell. Others include the expansion of the DARE program, gang awareness training in schools and an anti-graffiti program.


The one-week camps will be run at parks in high-crime areas where gangs have been identified and drug trafficking is heavy.
