
San Diego Bay Ferry to Start Day Earlier

The San Diego Bay Ferry will sail a little earlier beginning Saturday, officials of San Diego Harbor Excursion, which operates the ferry, said.

The ferry will begin running at 7 a.m. daily, three hours earlier than its current 10 a.m. start time, said Ron Dribben, general manager of San Diego Harbor Excursion.

“We feel that the earlier start time will be an advantage to the many bicyclists and pedestrians that want to use this unique form of transportation,” Dribben said.


The boat departs from the Broadway Pier at 1050 North Harbor Drive every hour until 10 p.m., Sunday through Thursday. The ferry runs until 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

The boat sails to The Old Ferry Landing on Coronado. The fare is $1.50 each way and an additional 50 cents for each bicycle.
