
Auto Makers and Pollution Burden

After reading the congressmen’s column I had to write. I am glad that someone is finally taking charge in cleaning up the air. However, I have some concerns about what is being done now and what is being proposed. First, autos made since 1980 are much cleaner than those made in 1970. Many newer cars when tested for emissions will show none. Smog test equipment, as sensitive as it is, will read 0% HC and 0% NOx. So how much improvement can be made?

Second, diesel-powered cars, which are exempt from all pollution controls and testing, can produce hundreds of times the NOx of a gasoline-powered car. I get so mad whenever I am forced to breath diesel fumes from the car or truck in front of me I could scream.

Third, why is nothing being done, really being done, to limit the number of cars on the road?



San Diego
