
Workfare Stipend

In response to “No Relief for the Poor: County Rejects Raise; $312 a Month in Aid Called Insufficient,” Metro, July, 31:

The county states that its $312 workfare stipend that it gives to the homeless is enough for an individual to feed and shelter himself or herself for a month in Los Angeles. However, in June I testified before the County Board of Supervisors concerning a housing survey conducted that month by my office. Our survey showed that the cheapest housing available to the homeless was averaging $321 per month, a full $9 more than the entire monthly county stipend.

County Welfare Director Eddy Tanaka is quoted as saying that the homeless can manage by “sharing a room.” What he neglected to mention is that the county reduces the workfare stipend amount below $312 per month for those who do share the cost of a room with another. In reality, many of the homeless that my office serves “manage” by paying for rent for part of a month and by fending for themselves on the street for the remainder.




Inner City Law Center

Los Angeles
