
Development in the Foothill-Trabuco Area

I was born in Orange County. My great-grandparents crossed the American desert in a covered wagon. I remember oranges in Orange County and seals in Seal Beach. I am sorry to see the L.A. sprawl come to Orange County. However, I don’t agree with some of the “activists” in the Trabuco area.

I believe Americans have a fundamental right to interstate travel. People from other parts of the country have as much right to move to Orange County as the “activists.” I am against “planners” deciding how many people should be allowed to live in an area.

Most of the “longtime” canyon dweller “activists” are relatively new residents who purchased small lots in Trabuco and Silverado, or tract houses in new developments. Once they are settled they resent new people moving in and “ruining things.” Many don’t wait until the concrete has dried in their new driveways before they protest the “new” project next door.


These people are not only hypocrites for denying others the right to own homes no smaller than their own, they also have no understanding of private property. Preserving the ridge lines, the oaks, and transition zones are euphemisms for enjoying other people’s property without paying for it. A person can surround himself with open space by working hard and buying a big property. Or one can buy a small lot and seize his neighbors’ land for the “good” of the community and make it an open space.

For 13 years I was involved with a parcel in the foothills. We tried to develop a low-density development. We fought with “environmentalists,” county “planners” and politicians. Because of holding costs and increasing development costs we needed higher densities to break even. Finally we sold out to big builders with enough money to buy politicians and to afford growing development costs. They needed still higher densities and sales prices. In the end everyone loses. Lots are smaller, and houses non-affordable.


Newport Beach
