
Secrest Widens His Lead in Race Across AMerica

Mike Secrest of Scottsdale, Ariz., widened his lead in the Race Across AMerica Tuesday as the front riders passed through Santa Rosa, N.M., in the third day of the race that started in Costa Mesa.

Secrest, who won in 1987, rode past the Santa Rosa checkpoint at 4:23 p.m., well ahead of Paul Solon of Tiburon, Calif. Solon went through the same checkpoint at 5:50 p.m. Johnny Goldberg of Beverly Hills is in third, about three hours off the lead. Bob Breedlove of Des Moines, the first-day leader, is in fourth, about 3 1/2 hours off the lead.

Rich Fedrigon of Oak Park, Ill., David Kees of Auburn, Calif., and Cathy Busby of Apex, N.C., have dropped from the race because of heat exhaustion. Fedrigon finished third last year. Kees and Busby are rookies.
