
Publisher Chose an Odd Venue

I was surprised that Rex Brewer chose a meeting of the Barton Hill Neighborhood Organization as the proper venue to extend an apology to the residents of the Rancho San Pedro Development (Times, Aug. 13).

Less than one-third of the residents are members of that organization. Only eight residents were present at the meeting, and two of them were not organization members. They were our advisory council secretary and our Housing Authority Residents’ Advisory Council representative.

I thought that you would like to know that Mr. Brewer did not keep his promise. No copies of his little newspaper were delivered to us. I drove around Saturday morning and finally found some copies at Williams’ Book Store on 6th Street.


Although Mr. Brewer printed a few letters condemning his rhetoric, none of them were from Rancho San Pedro residents. It might have destroyed the myth that we are undereducated.

We of the Resident Advisory Council have spent the last few years working very hard, in various ways, to raise the consciousness of our town--to show everyone that we are not the dregs of society that so many people believe us to be.

To have someone who lives in Long Beach come over here and pass judgment on us is absolutely intolerable. Ignorance is no excuse.



president, Rancho San Pedro

Resident Advisory Council
